Wife: Don’t put so many clothes for wash today Husband: Why ? She said : Maid has said she won’t come for two days Husband :Why ? Wife : She said she is going to meet her granddaughter during Ganpati festival Husband : OK, Will not put too many clothes Wife : And , Shall I give her Rs. 500 for Ganpati ? Festival bonus ? Husband : Why ? Diwali is approaching , we will give her at that time.. Wife : Oh no dear . She is poor. Going to meet her daughter and granddaughter , so she will also feel nice. Moreover, everything has become so expensive these days. How will she able to celebrate festival ? Husband : You ! I don’t know why you become emotional so easily Wife : Oh dear, don’t worry .I am going to cancel today’s program of ordering Pizza. Why unnecessarily blow away Rs. 500 on eight pieces of stale bread. Husband : Wow. Great .Snatching Pizza from us and giving to the maid ! Maid returned after three days and got busy in mopping and dusting. Husband asked her Husband : So, how was th...