10 tips to make your phone's battery last longer

Even hi-tech smartphones can last for days - as long as you follow a few basic procedures to keep the battery at full.As smartphones have become more capable - for playing gaming, watching movies and shooting video - battery performance has worsened and now most modern smartphones won’t last a full a day before you need to reach for a charger. Phone manufacturers are working hard to improve battery performance - Motorola in particular with their RAZR i and RAZR MAXX - but if you buy most other smartphones, be ready to charge every evening. Here are some tips to help conserve your mobile phones battery life: Power-saving mode Modern Android and Windows Phone smartphones include power or battery saving modes typically located in the Settings menu. It is activated once the battery reaches a certain level, forcing battery intensive features - including push email, screen brightness and Facebook updates - to switch off. Unfortunately Apple doesn’t include any suc...