Pay Day Loan Campaign

Customers in need wil be offered to $1500.00 in cash within 24 hours.Just to let you know, it doesn’t matter how good or bad the customer credit is. All an agent needs to ask few questions to make sure the customer is pre-qualified to receive payday loan.

•Any applicant with weekly salary / monthly income =< USD 1500/month is not considered to be a good and chances of acceptance is very less
•Applicant shouldn’t be on Government benefits / pension
•Paid by direct deposit is the best option for lenders
•Have a checking account
•Not in the military
•Paid Twice monthly or bi monthly
•Home and work phone should not match (What we should do is, tell the customer that we need a "secondary" number if they are hesitant about giving their work number. Let’s also let them know that no lender will call their work and discuss any personal matters)
•No self employed applicants (only salaried)


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